If your car has this condition, check it before it is more seriously damaged.

If your car has this condition, check it before it is more seriously damaged.

11 March 2024

These 7 Warning Signs It indicates that your car is having problems.
If your car is experiencing any of these problems, you should immediately get it checked.
1. Starting the engine takes longer than usual.
” If you try to start your car and it doesn't start the first time or it starts longer than usual. There may be a problem with The battery begins to deteriorate or the system that starts the engine fails.

2. Found oil marks
” If you find oil stains dripping on the floor or oil stains in the engine bay. That is very abnormal. Because liquids other than air conditioner refrigerant should not have anything seeping and dripping out. Therefore, if found, it should be checked immediately.

3. Unusual sound
” For people who use their cars regularly, they often notice abnormal noises. Because in general, the operation of the engine will not make any strange sounds. Especially the sound of steel clashing or the sound of friction. If you hear such a sound It is recommended to record a clip for the technician to evaluate during maintenance. Because sometimes the voice may not show symptoms all the time. But it will come periodically. Recording a clip will make it easier for expert technicians to assess the damage point.

4. White smoke comes out of the pipe.
” Cars with the engine running normally and all systems complete will not produce white smoke. when driving If you find white smoke coming out of the pipe You should check before the problem spreads. Because there may be symptoms of the machine being loose or in many places being damaged, causing the system to not work at full efficiency, causing white smoke to come out of the pipe.

5. Feeling dizzy or wobbly when driving.
This is a warning sign that your car's tires may have a crack or a puncture. There is a possibility that your suspension may be faulty.

6. Squeaking sound when braking
” Many of you may already be aware of this symptom. This squealing sound was not a mouse at all. But it is a symptom of the brake pads starting to wear out or the brakes having a problem.

7. The car accelerates and feels sluggish than before.
​     If your car accelerates and it feels like it's not moving like it used to, it could mean a blockage in the system or you may need an oil change. But if you've taken the photo and it's still running sluggishly, there will be two more things: the fuel filter and the air filter. This condition of the car accelerating back has a direct effect on the fuel consumption rate.

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