Make an appointment before using the service. More convenient than before or make an appointment in the afternoon Even more special Today at all Toyota Summit branches.

Make an appointment before using the service. More convenient than before or make an appointment in the afternoon Even more special Today at all Toyota Summit branches.

12 July 2024
Make an appointment before using the service. More convenient than before
or make an appointment in the afternoon Even more special
Today at all Toyota Summit branches.
-Make an appointment first. No need to wait in long queue
-If you are busy in the morning You can use the service in the afternoon.
-The amount of customers is not as dense as in the morning.
-Employees take care of customers more thoroughly than in the morning.
-Ask for problems and details for a longer time
- Extended service hours until 6:00 p.m.
-No need to wait for spare parts Make an appointment in advance and can change immediately.
(In case of notifying the service to be received through the call center in advance)
-Provide service more quickly Receive the car within the day*

To register for an appointment yourself, click
To make an appointment to claim insurance, click

Ask for details or notify the call center to receive service.
Call for more information at Call Center 02-022-6555.
During business hours 08.00-17.00 hrs.*