HILUX DAY Toyota Summit

HILUX DAY Toyota Summit

20 January 2024

Saturday 20 January 2024 Toyota Summit Company Collaborated with AZC Original car customization office.

Organize a HILUX DAY activity on the topic of making every opportunity possible. No matter what type you are, HILUX CHAMP answers your needs.

Whether it's a racing line, selling products, food or drinks, transporting goods, or even using it to travel, it can be done as well.

On the day of the event, Mr. Pond Dechaphon Toyingcharoen, a world-class Thai drifter. who have done a drift test on the HILUX CHAMP 

That has been modified by Uncle Chaem, AZC Original, in a rather limited area, which is very difficult, but P'Pond was able to pull out the efficiency.

of HILUX CHAMP for everyone to see that How tight is the car? For those who missed the event, you can watch the live broadcast again.

via Facebook of Toyota Summit Company In addition, the event also had many racing influencers from Thailand join in creating color within the event.

Mr. Champ 300, Mr. Dream Racespecwheel, Mr. Note JS and the entire team.

Interested in owning a HILUX CHAMP? You can reserve it today at all Toyota Summit branches.