Nitrogen tire pressure vs. normal tire pressure

Nitrogen tire pressure vs. normal tire pressure

Nitrogen tire inflation and normal tire inflation, which type is best for our car? What is nitrogen air? Wind that takes away oxygen and moisture. As a result, only nitrogen will be left in the wind. Filling with nitrogen is therefore better at reducing the tire burst rate. Because it is an inert gas Advantages of nitrogen tire inflation - Helps extend the life of the tire more than normal tire inflation. - Nitrogen tire pressure is less corrosive to the rubber than normal tire pressure. - Tire pressure will leak less. So you don't have to add air to your tires often. And there is less chance of the tire bursting. - Nitrogen tire inflation is a dry gas. Does not contain water. So it doesn't cause the wheel rim to rust. - Drive smoothly and reduce the sound of tires hitting the ground or road seams. Disadvantages of nitrogen tire inflation - It's quite difficult to find refills. - Cannot be used with normal tire pressure. If you want to inflate with nitrogen, you must empty the normal tire first. - If you add normal air to a tire that has nitrogen air. The tires will have only normal air. - There are not many service centers that accept nitrogen tire inflation. Must be topped up at a garage or service center only. What is normal tire pressure? Tire pressure that contains both oxygen and oxygen. Moisture and nitrogen mix together. But filling with normal air has disadvantages: It has a bad effect on Yang and Max. For the reason that inside this type of air there is an element of humidity, which will result in the rubber having a chance to easily deteriorate. and causing the problem of the internal alloy edge rusting more easily than before And most importantly, oxygen is a gas that is constantly expanding. If there is high friction, it may cause the tire to explode. Advantages of normal tire pressure - Easy to find a source to inflate tires Especially at gas stations. - There is no cost to inflate the tires. Disadvantages of normal tire pressure - Leaks more easily You have to check and inflate your tires often. -When used over long distances Or when driving fast, the heat temperature from the road friction of the tires will increase. This causes the tire to expand and has a greater chance of exploding. Information from