Not-so-secret tips teaching you how to look at used cars in the beginning.

Not-so-secret tips teaching you how to look at used cars in the beginning.

I want a used car to use. But I can't see the car at all. I'm still hesitating about hiring a mechanic to look at the car. Is the mechanic a good choice or not?
Today we have a simple and not-so-secret tip for looking at cars for you.

1. Check the price of the car: Before buying a used car, of course, the first thing that everyone is afraid of being deceived is the price. Nowadays, there is technology that is easily accessible. Just turn on your mobile phone and try to check the price of cars on the market by comparing them. (Same year, same engine, model, color, and similar condition) Initially, you can already estimate the price of that car model. However, choosing to buy with outsiders or in places that are not up to standard. There is a risk of being dyed by cats or bringing a damaged car to sell for repairs. Because of that, you should check the car price in the market before deciding to buy. And buy from a reliable service center or car rental center. Otherwise, you may definitely end up paying more than necessary for a second-hand car.

2. Is the condition of the vehicle's frame abnormal? The fact that the vehicle is parked horizontally will allow you to perform a preliminary inspection. Because a good car must not be distorted or tilted to one side. Looking at the car horizontally and seeing that the wheels of the car are not in the same plane or that the angle of some sides of the car is not level This  means that this car has previously had problems with its suspension and wheel alignment. Or there may be a collision. Heavy to the car's stabilizer Importantly, you should look at the angle of the car in a 45 degree plane to see if the left side of the car is distorted or not. You must also check the tire pressure.

3. Has this car been painted? Ask to see the car in a bright spot. Keep a distance of 1 foot from the car and look at the car from a deeper angle, such as Look from the front of the car to the back from all four corners of the car because when the car is exposed to reflected light and then looked at from an oblique angle, we can see the color of the car and the dents and indentations of the car more clearly. including uneven colors If you are curious about a specific spot, you can use the flash from your mobile phone to shine light on that spot. and look from the side to see the marks more clearly Including checking paint spray from various corners and crevices. and the seams of the car have the same color as the car's body. Is it diffused? If paint mist is found, it is assumed that the car has been painted in the area where the paint mist came from. But if the car is repaired and in good condition. It's at a point where we can accept it and there's no problem.

4. The metal part tells everything clearly: Look down at the undercarriage and metal parts to see if there is decay or damage or not, and the various bolt heads that lock the seats in the cabin. Including opening the trunk lid of the car. These bolt heads will tell you right away that What has this car been through? Because if it's a bolt head from the factory It will be tinted with a specific color. If there is a change We can check and see clearly. For example, if the lower body is found to have decay or the bolt head has been tightened in many places until the color mark on the bolt head has disappeared. You should make a good decision before purchasing that car.

5. Test drive is the most important thing! : Even if you look at the engine or not. Most importantly, test drive that car. whether you like the driving fuel of that car or not Because choosing a good car should primarily answer and match our driving style and it is important to look at the basics: Is the power cord in the engine compartment loose or is the power plug frame damaged? If found to be damaged or cut the wires You should not choose to buy that car because there may be problems later. Including observing oil stains in the engine room. Whether there are oil leaks or not If the car is in perfect condition There should not be any liquid oozing out of the machine.

Just this is enough to know the basics. Is the car reliable? But if you don't know how to look at cars and don't want to hire someone to look at cars. You can choose a car from a service center that is reliable and has a car warranty. For peace of mind in using our car.