Why do we have to start the car even though we haven't used the car for a long time?

Why do we have to start the car even though we haven't used the car for a long time?

Why do you need a car socket? Even though we haven't used the car for a long time. For a car that is rarely used We must start the car 2-3 times a week. Each time You should start the engine and leave it for 5-10 minutes or drive outside the house. So that various engine systems such as the fuel system can work. Because if you park and leave it alone That can cause wear and tear on some parts. In addition, you should take the car for a periodic check. Change different parts When the specified time has arrived. How to take care of a rarely used car 1. Always wash and clean the car, both inside and outside the car. To prevent stubborn dust stains that can damage the paint of our cars. Or if someone parks their car under a tree, there may be pieces of branches and leaves that fall onto our car and may cause damage to the car. 2. Regularly check the fluid system inside the car. Whether it's water in the radiator, brake fluid, gear oil, engine oil, etc., these fluids have a lifespan. and the duration of the change is different. For example, engine oil should be changed every 6 months, etc. 3. Check the battery Because leaving the car parked for a long time can cause the car's battery system to deteriorate. Even though the car is not in use, there are still other systems. of cars that use batteries If this car is rarely used, the car battery should be removed. Or leave the car started for a moment. 4. Always check tire pressure. Because when we leave the car parked, the weight of the car tires will be pressed on each tire in one spot. It will cause the tire to become deformed. The solution is to inflate the tires of rarely used cars a little more than normal. Or make the rubber wheels have some movement. Thank you for the picture from chobrod.com